I know it's been a very, very long time since I've last posted, but I got busy and blah blah blah (insert generic excuses here). Anyway, I thought I'd come back strong and make a commitment to post at least once a week. Twice a week or more when I get ambitious and channel that ambition towards something productive.
Today as I was having my morning cup of coffee I started thinking about disc golf. Don't ask me why, but that's what I started thinking about. For those of you not familiar with the sport, it entails throwing a frisbee (disc) towards baskets with chains above them (the "holes"), like golf. To learn more about disc golf, check out this link. I love disc golf. It's a great way to spend time outdoors with your friends and it's as competitive as you want to make it.
So where am I going with this you ask? Well, I was also thinking about hookah, because it's another social activity that I enjoy (click for more). And then I had an epiphany: why not combine the two? I think having a disc golf course with hookah every couple of holes would be awesome. It would offer pit stops for casual players and competitors alike to enjoy each others company with another social activity (no one I know smokes hookah alone). I realize the profit margin on such a venture is low to moderate, at best and it would only appeal to a niche market. Having said that, it would still be pretty damn cool.
My other possible business venture would again cater to a niche market, but is just as awesome (in my opinion, anyway). I've always liked to cook, and I think that it would be cool to open up a restaurant. But here's the kicker: the restaurant would be just off the Appalachian Trail. I would cater to through-hikers and locals alike, and have the most diverse menu ever (home cooking to Asian to Mexican to whatever else catches my fancy). I don't know, I just think it would be awesome to have a restaurant/bar for through-hikers and locals to come and swap stories and have a few drinks.
So those are my awesome small business ideas. Steal them if you must, but please let me know where they are so I can at least come visit.
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One of my favorite things about the end of December and the beginning of
January are the summaries that bloggers share with their networks detailing
the po...
8 years ago
Thank you for sharing this information. The information was very helpful and saved a lot of my time.