As the title suggests, I just recently (6:55 pm, which I guess isn't that recently) finished up my first day of classes for the spring semester. There should be a "like" button on blogger for momentous achievements such as this, but I digress. I had a decent break between Introduction to Science Education (EMS 203) and Teaching Exceptional Students (ECI 416) and had left my iPods, computer, and book (Building a Professional Learning Community at Work) back in my room. What was I to do? Well, being the innovative and prepared Boy Scout that I am, I pulled out a trusty piece of notebook paper. On that magical sheet I made brief outlines for topics that I had thought about that day that would be worth chattering about (Get it? It's a reference to my blog's title. Clever, huh?). I have four topics on this wonderful piece of paper, but I'll pare it down to three just for the sake of making my life easier.
Here they are:
- My take on the first day of classes
- Philosophies of and implementation of syllabi on the first day of classes
- PLCs as a tool for Special education-led professional development for General education teachers
More on one or all of these tomorrow. I didn't sleep last night, and I'm pretty sure anything I'd write tonight would be crap, and what's the point of making outlines if you're just going to write it then and now (or as close to then and now as is reasonable)? Plus, if anyone's reading they'll get a bit of a cliffhanger. Tune in tomorrow. Same chatter time, same chatter station (Do you see what I did there? It's an Adam West-era Batman reference. I'm on fire tonight.) 'Til later.
ohhh! the anticipation!!!!!!!! it's killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! why don't you talk about the ridiculous cost of books?